Summer Warmth Update

Ever have one of those paintings that take MUCH longer than they should due to interruptions etc? This is one of them and what happens to me is I loose my momentum and forget why I was painting it in the first place. This needs more work, or maybe it has already had too much work - in either case, I'll let it dry and go back to it at a later date...I need to move on.


Gwen Bell said…
Looks finished to me! Very really gives the viewer a sense of space, and it makes me want to take a walk down that road to get a better look at the house. I think that's what a good painting should do...make you want to know more. Love the tall tall tress behind the house as well.
Unknown said…
Love this. Thanks for posting those interesting tidbits about yourself and your family! You really are a piece of American history. Thanks for tagging Ron. What a find for me. I'm already a fan of Cathyann.
I have seen some of your paintings. I would like to see more from you.
I am painter myself and I also review the paintings of my friends.

Naval Langa

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