Busy, Busy, Busy..........

8 x 10 on linen panel

As a graphic designer I also have felt the steady squeeze created by the declining economy - but this last week things picked up in a hurry so I have been very busy and havent had much time to paint. So...I'm going to post an older painting of a sweet little dog I painted after I'd heard she'd passed away. Her name was "Peanut" and she was the love of my neighbors life. Noone knew exactly what mix she was but she had personality plus! I'd never seen a dog with "lips" and human like eyes, but I swear she looked just like this... My neighbor was thrilled with the portrait, commeting on how I'd captured her lips and we both shed some tears - those kind of moments are priceless.


Cathy said…
You did a wonderful job Teresa! She looks precious..

{{Big Hugs}}

Teresa said…
Thanks Cathy :) She was really a unique little dog, down to the one ear up & one ear down...:)
Gwen Bell said…
What a sweet painting. I know her owner is so happy to have the portrait. How funny that she had those lips. They make her very endearing. Love the eyes!
Teresa said…
Thank you Gwen :) When I was painting her I thought noone will ever believe these lips, but that's one of the things that made her unique.
Teresa said…
Cathyann, Thank you! Hopefully "business" won't keep me from my easel too much! :) But it will sure keep me in paint!
Edward Burton said…
Wonderful painting, Teresa - a very beautiful job.

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